RYA Advanced Powerboat Course
We could make you a captain of power driven vessels up to 24 metres in length.
Minimum Duration 2 days plus some night hours.
Max student ratio 3:1 per boat.
Or call us on 01202 923 060 (09:00 – 16:00)
You’re Going Pro
You love driving boats. Being on the sea is amazing and somebody said they’ll actually pay you for it?! The RYA Advanced Powerboat course is for experienced boaters who are going to work in the industry.
This two day course will teach you advanced navigation skills, at speed both day and night. You will need a few bits in place before being eligible to attend the course and take the exam.
You will need for the course:
- To be at least 17 years of age.
- Knowledge to the level of Coastal Skipper / RYA Yachtmaster shorebased theory.
- Strongly recommended to hold a relevant first aid certificate.
- Strongly recommended to hold a VHF SRC operators certificate.
For the RYA Advanced Powerboat exam:
- Hold an ML5 or ENG1 medical certificate.
- Either RYA Basic Sea Survival certificate or STCW Personal Survival Techniques.
- A professional practices & responsibilities certificate (PPR).
- 30 days at sea including 2 days a skipper.
- 800 nautical miles logged.
- 12 night hours logged.
If you hold the Advanced course completion certificate these requirements are reduced to 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles & 12 night hours.